My Work
These are all the projects that I have done. Some are individual projects and some are group projects which have shown that I am a person who is able to work independently and as well as working together in a team for projects.

This is a webpage where it shows the information about the tourist attractions of all the various countries such as China, Japan, and Singapore etc.

This webpage is for people who love to find out more about that country by clicking the attraction destination from the travel page. In this webpage, it shows the various season in the country by month and as well as some videos of that country. In addition, the user is able to see what other places which are a must to visit.

People are able to view other people's comments and as well as reply to the comments that was made by other people to add on their thoughts.

This is a webpage where it shows the information about the tourist attractions of all the various countries such as China, Japan, and Singapore etc.
Web Development
We were tasked to design a website using the programming languages, HTML, CSS and Javascript that we have learnt. I created a travel blog website for people who wants to know more about the country by looking at those comments posted by others.
App Development
The second school project that I have done is the app development project that is deployed using Pycharm. It is a web application project that integrates the backend logic, written using the Python language, unlike the web development that I have done which is mainly static. This project revolves around redesigning a company's website and bringing in innovative features that may not be available on the existing website.

Business Analytics
Our group had created visualizations and a dashboard using Tableau and Tableau Prep to analyze and prove our hypothesis where our group worked on the different areas and find data to analyze whether is Singapore a good place to start a family.
UX Design
I designed a hotel application using the concepts of User Experience (UX) and UX design. I could understand the fundamentals in visual design and apply user-centred design principles and techniques in design prototyping. I also gained knowledge of best practices and evaluation methods and use them in analysing and evaluating designs of web and mobile applications.

My team and I used GitHub for collaboration and we combined all the codes together to develop a website.

Data Structure and Algorithm
This is one of the mini game that I have developed. I learnt how to use concepts of data structures and algorithms for effective problem solving such as arrays, dynamic data structures, stacks, queues and algorithms for searching and sorting.
Database Management System
This is a Hospital Management System ER diagram that I have designed and implemented. I learnt how to design and implement a relational database and as well as the components of database systems, the conceptual, logical and physical design of relational databases. It covered skills in accessing and manipulating database systems through the use of SQL (Structured Query Language).